This section consists of all the procedures regarding registration of .np domain. .np Domain is Country Level Top Domain for Nepal. You can request any .np domain for free of cost according to your choice and business. You can register,,,,,, etc. See the step by steps to register your .np domain.
First of all, Open in your browser. Check the availability of the domain and select the category like or anything else. And then click on the search button.
Click on the Register Now button
Click on Create User button to register your account.
Fill up your details in below and click on the Create Account button.
You will get the success of the account creation message.
Check the email address and you will get the verification message. Click on the Verify button.
You will be redirected to the Login Page after clicking on the Verify button. Fill up your email and password which you set during account creation. Then click on Sign In Button.
Fill up your Primary and Secondary NameServer as and respectively.
Fill up your Administrative details.
Copy administrative contact in Technical Contact. And then Click on the Save and Continue button.
Upload your Scanned Photo of Citizenship Documents and Cover Letter. If you are registering for the company, you need to upload a copy of the company Registration document too. Click on Request Domain Button After Uploading documents.
You will be redirected to this page after clicking on the button. It normally takes 48 hours to process and if the domain request is accepted, click on Active Domain Button to see your active domains. You need to Attach your Documents Citizenship Front and Back Photo as well as Cover Page for Personal Purpose. If you are registering the Domain name for Company or Organization, you should use the letterhead of your organization, PAN Certificate, and Company Registration Document. If you are registering for, you should upload registration documents of Educational Institution, Schools or Colleges.
Below is a sample for the cover letter that you can write to Mercantile.